Do anteaters ever sneeze, with their noses so long and if a bunch of them did sneeze would it sound like a song? With a nose so long It would be hard not to get a tickle every time that nose touched a leaf…
Poems written with a baby on my lap: #5 I remember the first time that upon my shoulder you laid your head All of my time stood still with my shoulder adorned it cuteness and red When did you learn emotion or that this…
Poems written with a baby on my lap: #4 A little one once so little is now a little not so much for once was my helpless babe is a kid who loves to smile and touch Why yes she's still dependent on the care…
Poems written with a baby on my lap: #3 Why hello there little pumpkin, I hear you are turning one (month old that is).... And while this might seem like a small accomplishment my mental powers are drained...can no longer switching to free-formery fun..…
Poems written with a baby on my lap: #2 I love you little one and I love my amazing wife I love your gentle coos and* I love your little farts* Sometimes it's even musical...and when combined with a poo it's like modern art.*…
* Poems written with a baby on my lap: #1 - If I could speak (1-30-2014) "It's plain and simple....please give me your nipple some food is what I need lest I scream and cry until you sigh and admit it’s time to feed…
“To a new day, you young and old…To manifesting the story, that will one day be told…of a brave few who stepped into the night, with hearts aglow, ready for the fight…but weapons were not, and machines of war left behind…for these few were defending all of mankind…and to do so they knew they must unite in love…for that is the power from above. The war is all around…what machine could ever compare, to the brave few who stand fast, who risk it all, to you…to us, those who dare. Now is our time, Let your hearts open wide…and watch love conquer all…humanities rushing tide.”