Do lions ever lose their nerve
Do lions ever lose their nerve
and get scared when out on the plains
or perhaps they squeal in fear
as the lion-barber trims their mane?
Do lions ever lose their nerve
especially when on the prowl
can you imagine that just when they’re about to win
the lion turns around and throws in the towel?
Do lions ever lose their nerve
well then who would be the king
Can you imagine the chaos that would cause
and the grief that would bring (especially to the creators of lion-centric movies! Imagine a move called “lion-not-so-king-but-still-interesting…”
It’s the circle….the circle that’s actually more like the letter “C” because somethings missing so it’s not quite a full circle….
because a lion without a nerve
is like a raindrop without the rain
a desert without sand (or whipped cream)
a fork without a knife (or road)
it’s just plain silly
to imagine a lion without their nerve.